Tuesday, January 10, 2006

So this is my first run doing the whole blog thing, but work is really slow so I figured I'd give it a go. I don't think my life is all that interesting, but this will give me something to do all day. I really like my job when I have things to do, but in the dead of winter its pretty slow, so I spend a lot of time on roadbikereview.com and doing crossword puzzles on washingtonpost.com and usatoday.com. The USAtoday site is pretty cool cause it tells you automatically when you put in the wrong letter, which I do often.

I'm married to a wonderful man I met at Virginia Tech. His name is Stephen and he's a mechanical engineer, which means he makes all the money in our relationship. Luckily we are into the same kind of activities, and go climbing and camping a lot.

I guess when I'm not working on crosswords or talking to people on RBR I'm either riding my bike or rock climbing at Sportrock. Stephen and I only started seriously climbing a few months ago, but we're both getting pretty good at it. I had a rough time on Sunday at the new Earth Trex gym in Rockville, so my hands are pretty ripped up, but thats ok, they'll heal. I used to work at REI, which was one of the coolest jobs I've ever had, but the money just doesn't work out right in NOVA.

I'm a rabid football fan, with my two teams being the Virginia Tech Hokies and the Pittsburgh Steelers. Us Hokies have been taking crap for a while now about Marcus Vick, and I'm damn glad the school finally wised up and kicked his ass out. He's gonna have a great time in jail. As for the Steelers, well we've had a pretty good season, but this game at Indy is gonna be tough. I think they learned a lot the last time we played there, and I'm hoping they can put some of that knowledge into work on Sunday.

So I guess thats all I really have to say for now...I guess this will be easier when I don't have to explain my life story all the time. So for now, heres a pic of my bike and hopefully soon I'll have pics of Stephen and I to put on here.


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