Sunday, September 07, 2008

Still working hard on the pictures from Europe. There are around 7,000 of them to go through, so I hope you're all still patiently waiting.

Here are some shots of tropical storm Hannah to tide you over. Click to see larger photos.

This gauge generally shows the lake at a level of about 2-3 feet. Its almost at 12 in this shot.

This is the overflow pipe taking water from the lake, under the dam and out into the creek that runs behind our house. It was moving at a pretty good clip.

This tree is next to the trail that leads to the "boat launch". There is usually a little fishing area to the left of the tree and a paved driveway of sorts to the right.

Here is what the path looks like. Don't think I want to stay on the trail.

Despite all the rain earlier, it ended up being a beautiful day by 6 PM. This is the view from the top of the dam over the lake.

Finally, here is a video I took of the overflow pipe. Its amazing how much water was rushing out of the lake.

County officials were there to keep an eye on things. They told us if the water got higher, we might have to evacuate, but it would have to get really, really high for the water to even get near our house.

Anyway, we're working through all the Europe pics. Perhaps I'll have something to post sometime this week. Don't hold your breath.


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