Tuesday, December 22, 2009

OMG it snowed in DC. The entire world goes crazy where snow is in the forecast here, and this time certainly didn't disappoint.

Snow was predicted to begin falling Friday evening. I had the relative UN-fortune of needing to go to the grocery store on Friday afternoon. It was a total madhouse. I needed gas for the car and some baking supplies. Figured I'd grab some milk and bread while I was there. No biggie.

Almost an hour later, I was on my way. There were people purchasing large numbers of bottles of shampoo. There were people with multiple 12 packs of toilet paper. I saw one gentleman with 15, yes 15, boxes of cereal. How long are you people expecting to be stuck for?!? Insane.

But once the snow began, man it was beautiful. White as far as the eye could see. Our deck turned into the ocean; the propane tank and tomato pot were buoys along the way.

Got to spend 3 days home with Ejdo and Sawyer, which doesn't often happen. We accomplished a lot, but still relaxed and enjoyed our time together. Unfortunately I developed a cold along the way, which kinda sucks, but thats the way things go.

Obviously, we spent a good bit of time out in the snow. First to enjoy it, then to shovel. Ended up with between 18 and 20 inches, depending on where you measured and who you asked. No matter the depth, Sawyer loves snow.

Here are some pictures from our weekend. The ones where snow is falling are from Saturday; the gorgeous bright sunny day was Monday. Enjoy!