Saturday, February 06, 2010

Snowpocalypse 2010 Day 2.

Its just as incredible as they said it would be. Woke up at 8 and couldn't convince myself to go back to sleep, because I just HAD to see what the snow looked like. And its amazing.

Some of my 8 AM photos had to be taken through the door, because the door doesn't open right now. The snow is high enough on our porch that we can't open the screen door. Its awesome.

When I let Sawyer out to go to the bathroom in the backyard, he looked at me like I was nuts. He did a few bunny hops through the snow, then came back and looked at me. I shoveled a little spot for him, and he did his thing. Pretty funny.

No numbers yet, but the snow was well up the dog's belly. I'd estimate 18" or so right now. Weathermen say we should expect another 8+ inches today. The news is loving it. They just showed a woman walking down Connecticut Ave to go into Chevy Chase MD for a sandwich at Giant. Its a 6 mile round trip from where she lives to the Giant and back. But hey, what else is she gonna do today?

8 AM shot of the deck:

8 AM shot of the street:

8 AM shot of backyard:

8 AM shot of Sawyer trying not to sink:

This is all pretty incredible. I can't wait to go out in it later on.

10 AM shot of the deck:

10 AM shot of the street:

Sawyer trying to go down the stairs:

1 PM. We've spent the last 2.5 hours shoveling outside with all the neighbors. Our goal was to make it so the truck could get out, so that Ejdo could deliver a pork shoulder to Mike/Michelle's for smoking. This will not happen. Ejdo made it off Gutman and barely onto Golden Ball before getting stuck. Luckily, we were all out there to help shovel him out. It was a fun little exercise in futility.

The snow is still falling at an heavy rate. A very heavy rate. Its really quite incredible.

Here are a few photos:

Snow is falling at a heavy heavy rate. I bet we're looking at 2" an hour right now. We're going to be stuck here a while.

Around 3 or so we decided to walk to Giant. Our neighbor went with us, since she needed a few things. It was amazing to see what the roads looked like, and the damage that had occured. Here are a few shots of our walk, and from when we got back.

As of 6 PM, a plow has come down Golden Ball. He got stuck at one point and our pack of neighbors helped him out. As thanks, he plowed everything in front of our homes for us. Nice guy. Hopefully this means we may be able to get out tomorrow, although I still don't plan on being able to get anywhere non-essential for a few days.

I'm ending my official "live blog" now too. There won't be near as much change now that the snow has tapered off. The sky is clearing, you can see a few stars, and its really quite beautiful.

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